Thursday, May 3, 2007

Who is my friend really?

Who is my friend really ?

The word is used so casually that someone you may have met yesterday could introduce you as friend ...may be because acquintance just doesn't sound right ....too cold and schoolmaster-ish.

The gang of people you hang out and party with -- are they your friends?
Maybe in a sense , but would you confide in them ?
Trusts them with your deepest secrets?
Most certainly not.

People confide sometimes in total strangers or in thier therapist.
But could these people listenig to their angst or joy as the case may be, be your friends?
How can they be if they are never going to meet them again in your life or are paying them to listen ?

There is always one practical and sensible person in your circle of acquintances to whom you could turn to for unbiased and unerring advice, but the person could be a bore you would not care to party with.

Sense of warmth
There is the person who stood by you at the difficult time and helped you out of crisis .But is that a guarantee that he or she is willing to take on that role for life?

And what about the times when you've had to depend on the kindness of strangers because your so-called friends let you down ?

Or someone you barely know ...did you a favour and you felt a sense of warmth towards that person ....something that is reserved for close friends.

But the bond formed lasted just till you tide over the crisis or the gratitude for the favour dimmed , but then dissipated for no reason you can explain .

Do you consider your neighbour , sibling, spouse , workmate , drinking partner , your parent or child your friend?
They may be your support system , but friends?
Is there such a thing as unconditional friendship?

Sharing and caring
Can you befriend someone who does not share your views and lifestyle ?
On the other hand , just because you have a lot to share with someone ,are they your friends?

How can you rationalise the fact that you feel an explicable affection for someone you meet once in a while ,and consider him or her a friend , but you can't replicate that feeling for someone you meet or talk to everyday?

If a friend is not companion also , is he or she a friend?
But then why are all companions not necessarily friends?

Your birthday party or wedding guest list could run into hundreds, but a wise person once said, that your true friends are the ones who turn up at your funeral.

(It's a wonderful article , I read in a newspaper)